I’m Meral Cultu: a proud Turkish American and Turkey travel evangelist. Everyone should have a trip to Turkey on their bucket list (or even better, several trips to Turkey). I grew up in the U.S. but spent many childhood summers in Turkey visiting family and being a tourist. Since becoming an adult, I have traveled back with friends or to visit family just about every year. With more than 20 trips to Turkey under my belt in my lifetime I feel like I still have only scratched the surface of all there is to discover in this amazing country.
I currently live in the U.S., but I visit Turkey frequently and will keep expanding this website as I continue my travels!
The purpose of this website is to share my knowledge (and love) of Turkey with others so that you can effectively plan and get the most out of your travel in Turkey. The contents of this website are all based on my own knowledge and experiences. If I endorse a hotel, restaurant or experience its because I have firsthand knowledge of it, not because someone is paying me to say good things about it. I won’t claim to be an expert in any way but all information is up to date to the best of my knowledge. I have incredible passion for the country of my ancestors and want to share my enthusiasm and knowledge with friends, friends of friends and the world at large!
If you have questions about planning your trip or want to share comments about the site please let me know! I want to make this site as helpful a tool as possible and welcome any and all feedback. Just shoot me an email at turkeytraveltidbits@gmail.com